Client Testimonials
What I love most about my work is the people I meet. They are all uniquely beautiful and each and every one of them has touched my life in some special way. The following are some of the heartfelt messages from my clients. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
What my clients and former students have to say...
"Penny, I just want to tell you how much better I feel since I started following your advice. Since I saw you for the first time five months ago, I'm completely off my antidepressants. I feel stronger, I have more energy, I'm sleeping again, and I'm more motivated. Everything is like it used to be when I was in my 30's. I feel absolutely great!" Andy - Berwick, NS
"I started what I call My Holistic Journey in February 2015 with Penny. I wish I had found her sooner. She is a complete sweetheart who wants to help you become your best self. I feel like I am finally starting to get my life back. When I went to see Penny, I was feeling at my wits end and a little skeptical but felt I had nothing to lose. She put me at ease, her testing is non invasive and so easy and it validated everything I already knew, plus it showed me some things I was not aware of (which explained a lot of how I was feeling). She took the time to explain what everything meant and how making some small natural changes could help to balance things and make me feel better. I began taking some supplements and making slight lifestyle changes and what a difference!
She is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she does. My energy levels have improved. I am sleeping better, I feel more focused, and the biggest improvement has been on my menstrual cycles. I have gone from absolutely dreading them because of the pain and horrible PMS to starting to barely notice when it is coming. I have been tracking every day of my cycle in a notebook with how I am feeling since April, over the past week (5 months later) I have hardly had to write anything down and I am just days away from my period.
I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a more holistic approach to wellness. I talk her up to my friends, family and coworkers and what she has done for me. I feel very fortunate to have found her, and for her to be part of my holistic journey." Holly - Halifax, NS
"I am so grateful for your help. Prior to my appointment with you, I had been experiencing painful urinary tract infections about every six weeks for over a year, and each time I was prescribed powerful antibiotics by my family doctor. You suggested a supplement that I take every day for prevention, as well as a few dietary changes. I'm happy to say, I haven't had another UTI. I will definitely be telling my friends about you!" Elizabeth - Halifax, NS
"I am writing to let you know that after only three days I feel like a new woman! I cannot thank you enough. I have not felt bloated, tired or any headaches in three days. Normally I wake up with a pounding headache, and I haven't had one since Thursday. I have not felt the neck tension or tension headaches since then either. I really thought I'd never feel well again but even this soon into things I feel like a new person. I feel so good I'd like to get back to the gym. I'm finally getting my body back to what I'm use to. Thanks again so much!" Jane - Halifax, NS
“After we saw you for my son, and discovered the animal crackers he had been having in his lunch were causing an
imbalance in his body, things have greatly improved. He is no longer itching all the time, his skin has cleared up, and his bowel movements have gone back to normal. Thank you for seeing him!” Rosemary – Halifax, NS
"I feel like you have changed my life. I speak very highly of you and it is well deserved. You are very passionate about your work and it shows. I thank you for all your attention. I feel great. I should have done this years ago. They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Here you are in my life. The thing I love the most is that the brain fog has lifted. I think clearer now and feel calmer. I have lost six pounds already. You are the best." Trish - Halifax, NS
"I found Penny's approach to be intuitive, respectful, and passionate. The wall I had against health advice was dismantled completely. What I like most about Penny is that she is a committed, experienced, thoughtful and serious consultant whom I trust absolutely." Gillian - Halifax, NS
"I first heard Penny speak at a lecture at the Great Ocean, and her knowledge impressed me enough to want a personal consultation. She's since helped me address the problems of adrenal fatigue and obesity, as well as general health. It's amazing how actually sitting down with a Holistic Nutritional Consultant can help with health issues that a medical doctor or dietician overlook. I'm feeling much better, losing weight, handling stress, and experiencing overall greater vitality and health since I began seeing Penny. I recommend her services, and her products, wholeheartedly!!" Melissa, New Glasgow, NS
"Thank you Penny, for your support and your kindness. I know this is your job but I feel you really care about my situation. God Bless!" Tracey - Halifax, NS
"Somewhere along the line it occurred to me that my bulging waistline, chronic fatigue and greater than normal mood swings may in fact have something to do with what I put into my mouth. I decided to call Penny Ormsbee, or as I now like to think of her...the nutritional cavalry. Penny is smart, and hugely knowledgeable, empathetic and is bull dog determined to have me live a fuller richer life through better nutrition. She doesn't preach, or scold, or finger wag or do any of the other things my mother did to get me to eat my vegetables. Instead she has hung a frame around food, eating habits and nutrition, that has pulled it all into sharp focus for me. I am losing weight, have more energy, sleeping better and there isn't a piece of tofu in sight. Thank you Penny Ormsbee." Terry - Halifax, NS
"Dear Penny - This is an update on how I'm feeling...WOW!! I can't believe in such a short time how different I feel. The biggest improvement for me is how rested I feel in the morning. I'm very excited to learn more at our next meeting. I guess if you're going to be a "junkie" a "health junkie" is the way to go. See you soon and thank you very much." Misty - Halifax, NS
"Dear Penny - Me again! Just wanted to say another big thank-you for improving my life. My latest discovery in the vitamins I'm taking has finally found a flaw! This month I had no warning before my period. That's right, no friendly bloating, comforting cramps and my boyfriend really missed "Jane" (my not so loving other personality). So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You..." Misty - Halifax, NS
"Hi Penny, I really enjoyed your talk the other day. You are the most inspiring person I know. I thank you for all of your concerns and efforts in my wellness lifestyle. You are the best. I am so glad to have you as part of my life." Trish - Halifax, NS
"Dear Penny - Although I often wonder if you get much out of the on-line Group, I just wanted you to know that your advice and wisdom are invaluable to an up-and-comer like myself. Thank you so much for your information. I look forward to reading your responses to questions all of the time. I just hope that someday I will be as knowledgeable about nutrition, and have someone look up to me as I do you. Thanks for being there for the Group. I really appreciate your efforts and information." Trina (Student) Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
"Thank you so much for all your help. I don't feel like just another "number" with you but yet a very special individual needing some guidance with all of this! Keep up the good work!" Dawn - Halifax, NS
"Hi Penny - Some time ago you made recommendations for my niece who was having terrible cramps when she got her menstrual cycle. She has been taking the supplements you recommended for three months now, and today when she came home from school, she said that her period came today, but she has had no cramps at all!! She is overjoyed and so am I. She was practically living on Ibuprofen for several days during this time, but this month has not taken any. Yay!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." June - Ontario
"Dear Penny, I want to thank you for your guidance and continued support. Being someone who has just begun my own business, you have given me the knowledge to become an even better Nutritionist by guiding me through those first precious steps of a new practice. With your e-book 'How to Make it as a Nutritional Consultant' and your 'Working Forms & Handouts' CD, you have given me the tools I needed to get my practice started beautifully, right from the word go. You yourself Penny, have been a valuable resource for all of my many questions and concerns. You are a credit to the field of Nutritional Consultants and to all the people who's lives you touch. Thank you ever so much." Sharon Wilson, RHN, RNCP - South Porcupine, ON
"I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank you for taking the time to come in and speak to our employees at our recent retirement seminar. I've heard nothing but good things with regards to your presentation. All the employees found it to be highly informative, beneficial, and eye-opening. Thanks again and I hope to work with you in the future." Mike - Halifax
"Dear Penny, My Mom and I had lots of fun spending the afternoon with you. It was very rewarding. It's great there are people like you out there who care about their patients. Thanks again - you should be very proud of what you do. You're a fantastic person and perfect for this line of work." Julie - Timberlea
"Hi Penny, My husband is doing so well - back to 100% I can't stress enough how fantastic that is! He was suffering for months without any end in sight. The gout was terribly painful and totally dibilitating. He adopted the food recommendations but what we think helped most was the change in water and the addition of the water filter you suggested. Whatever it was, since his appointment with you he's been 100% gout free and living a normal life again." Pamela - Halifax
"Dear Penny, I just wanted to let you know that I am now 100% sure that my carpet has been the culprit all along! I truly believe I would still be full of the hives and probably insane by now from the scratching if it was not for you pinpointing the source for me. For this I will be eternally grateful to you! I will never forget what you have done for me." Denise - Halifax
"Hi Penny, Within four short weeks of my follow-up with you, my health has improved by leaps and bounds! I feel like my life has been given back to me to really live now. I have the energy to do things again. I can wake up and not be in pain and I am losing the weight I put on from my medical condition. Thank you for your kindness and willingness to listen and help at any time. Keep up the great work, we need more people like you around! Thanks again." Tammy - Halifax
"Thanks for the consult last week. I have gone off the nightshade group of veggies and I am feeling great. I still can't believe nearly 20 years of pelvic/bladder pain, and I never considered those foods as the culprit." Sarah - Halifax
"Hello! I just wanted to update you since I've been taking the supplements you recommended and eliminated wheat from my diet. I feel like a new person. I can't really explain it except to say I feel great, and better than I have in two years. Before our appointment, I had no energy and when I exercised, it felt like my legs were lead. The more I did, the worse I felt. I don't even know what to make of it or what to say.... but I'm thrilled! Lisa - USA
"Hi, I had to email you just to let you know of the dramatic results I have had thus far, thanks to your recommendations. Since my appointment with you, I eliminated gluten and started with the supplements you suggested. In four short weeks I have lost seven pounds. All of my stomach aches, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea have completely disappeared. In addition to this, my energy levels are up from basically nothing. My headaches have also improved.
One last benefit which I never expected, is my blood pressure that was usually around 140/90 is now 115/75. Quite a significant drop in only four weeks. I'm so pleased and my family doctor said if my blood pressure stays down for another four weeks, he will cut my blood pressure medication in half. I didn't even realize the gluten intolerance could raise blood pressure or cause issues of that sort. To say I am pleased is an understatement. Thank you so much for all your help and going to your clinic was the best thing I ever did for my health! I have already recommended your clinic and this testing to several of my friends and coworkers." Karen - Halifax
"Hi Penny, Knowledge is a powerful thing. Now I have more control over my health both at home and work which is such a relief. My questions behind the reasons for my health issues have finally been answered which is very exciting for me and for which I am very grateful to you." Stephanie - Debert
What my clients and former students have to say...
"Penny, I just want to tell you how much better I feel since I started following your advice. Since I saw you for the first time five months ago, I'm completely off my antidepressants. I feel stronger, I have more energy, I'm sleeping again, and I'm more motivated. Everything is like it used to be when I was in my 30's. I feel absolutely great!" Andy - Berwick, NS
"I started what I call My Holistic Journey in February 2015 with Penny. I wish I had found her sooner. She is a complete sweetheart who wants to help you become your best self. I feel like I am finally starting to get my life back. When I went to see Penny, I was feeling at my wits end and a little skeptical but felt I had nothing to lose. She put me at ease, her testing is non invasive and so easy and it validated everything I already knew, plus it showed me some things I was not aware of (which explained a lot of how I was feeling). She took the time to explain what everything meant and how making some small natural changes could help to balance things and make me feel better. I began taking some supplements and making slight lifestyle changes and what a difference!
She is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she does. My energy levels have improved. I am sleeping better, I feel more focused, and the biggest improvement has been on my menstrual cycles. I have gone from absolutely dreading them because of the pain and horrible PMS to starting to barely notice when it is coming. I have been tracking every day of my cycle in a notebook with how I am feeling since April, over the past week (5 months later) I have hardly had to write anything down and I am just days away from my period.
I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a more holistic approach to wellness. I talk her up to my friends, family and coworkers and what she has done for me. I feel very fortunate to have found her, and for her to be part of my holistic journey." Holly - Halifax, NS
"I am so grateful for your help. Prior to my appointment with you, I had been experiencing painful urinary tract infections about every six weeks for over a year, and each time I was prescribed powerful antibiotics by my family doctor. You suggested a supplement that I take every day for prevention, as well as a few dietary changes. I'm happy to say, I haven't had another UTI. I will definitely be telling my friends about you!" Elizabeth - Halifax, NS
"I am writing to let you know that after only three days I feel like a new woman! I cannot thank you enough. I have not felt bloated, tired or any headaches in three days. Normally I wake up with a pounding headache, and I haven't had one since Thursday. I have not felt the neck tension or tension headaches since then either. I really thought I'd never feel well again but even this soon into things I feel like a new person. I feel so good I'd like to get back to the gym. I'm finally getting my body back to what I'm use to. Thanks again so much!" Jane - Halifax, NS
“After we saw you for my son, and discovered the animal crackers he had been having in his lunch were causing an
imbalance in his body, things have greatly improved. He is no longer itching all the time, his skin has cleared up, and his bowel movements have gone back to normal. Thank you for seeing him!” Rosemary – Halifax, NS
"I feel like you have changed my life. I speak very highly of you and it is well deserved. You are very passionate about your work and it shows. I thank you for all your attention. I feel great. I should have done this years ago. They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Here you are in my life. The thing I love the most is that the brain fog has lifted. I think clearer now and feel calmer. I have lost six pounds already. You are the best." Trish - Halifax, NS
"I found Penny's approach to be intuitive, respectful, and passionate. The wall I had against health advice was dismantled completely. What I like most about Penny is that she is a committed, experienced, thoughtful and serious consultant whom I trust absolutely." Gillian - Halifax, NS
"I first heard Penny speak at a lecture at the Great Ocean, and her knowledge impressed me enough to want a personal consultation. She's since helped me address the problems of adrenal fatigue and obesity, as well as general health. It's amazing how actually sitting down with a Holistic Nutritional Consultant can help with health issues that a medical doctor or dietician overlook. I'm feeling much better, losing weight, handling stress, and experiencing overall greater vitality and health since I began seeing Penny. I recommend her services, and her products, wholeheartedly!!" Melissa, New Glasgow, NS
"Thank you Penny, for your support and your kindness. I know this is your job but I feel you really care about my situation. God Bless!" Tracey - Halifax, NS
"Somewhere along the line it occurred to me that my bulging waistline, chronic fatigue and greater than normal mood swings may in fact have something to do with what I put into my mouth. I decided to call Penny Ormsbee, or as I now like to think of her...the nutritional cavalry. Penny is smart, and hugely knowledgeable, empathetic and is bull dog determined to have me live a fuller richer life through better nutrition. She doesn't preach, or scold, or finger wag or do any of the other things my mother did to get me to eat my vegetables. Instead she has hung a frame around food, eating habits and nutrition, that has pulled it all into sharp focus for me. I am losing weight, have more energy, sleeping better and there isn't a piece of tofu in sight. Thank you Penny Ormsbee." Terry - Halifax, NS
"Dear Penny - This is an update on how I'm feeling...WOW!! I can't believe in such a short time how different I feel. The biggest improvement for me is how rested I feel in the morning. I'm very excited to learn more at our next meeting. I guess if you're going to be a "junkie" a "health junkie" is the way to go. See you soon and thank you very much." Misty - Halifax, NS
"Dear Penny - Me again! Just wanted to say another big thank-you for improving my life. My latest discovery in the vitamins I'm taking has finally found a flaw! This month I had no warning before my period. That's right, no friendly bloating, comforting cramps and my boyfriend really missed "Jane" (my not so loving other personality). So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You..." Misty - Halifax, NS
"Hi Penny, I really enjoyed your talk the other day. You are the most inspiring person I know. I thank you for all of your concerns and efforts in my wellness lifestyle. You are the best. I am so glad to have you as part of my life." Trish - Halifax, NS
"Dear Penny - Although I often wonder if you get much out of the on-line Group, I just wanted you to know that your advice and wisdom are invaluable to an up-and-comer like myself. Thank you so much for your information. I look forward to reading your responses to questions all of the time. I just hope that someday I will be as knowledgeable about nutrition, and have someone look up to me as I do you. Thanks for being there for the Group. I really appreciate your efforts and information." Trina (Student) Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
"Thank you so much for all your help. I don't feel like just another "number" with you but yet a very special individual needing some guidance with all of this! Keep up the good work!" Dawn - Halifax, NS
"Hi Penny - Some time ago you made recommendations for my niece who was having terrible cramps when she got her menstrual cycle. She has been taking the supplements you recommended for three months now, and today when she came home from school, she said that her period came today, but she has had no cramps at all!! She is overjoyed and so am I. She was practically living on Ibuprofen for several days during this time, but this month has not taken any. Yay!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." June - Ontario
"Dear Penny, I want to thank you for your guidance and continued support. Being someone who has just begun my own business, you have given me the knowledge to become an even better Nutritionist by guiding me through those first precious steps of a new practice. With your e-book 'How to Make it as a Nutritional Consultant' and your 'Working Forms & Handouts' CD, you have given me the tools I needed to get my practice started beautifully, right from the word go. You yourself Penny, have been a valuable resource for all of my many questions and concerns. You are a credit to the field of Nutritional Consultants and to all the people who's lives you touch. Thank you ever so much." Sharon Wilson, RHN, RNCP - South Porcupine, ON
"I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank you for taking the time to come in and speak to our employees at our recent retirement seminar. I've heard nothing but good things with regards to your presentation. All the employees found it to be highly informative, beneficial, and eye-opening. Thanks again and I hope to work with you in the future." Mike - Halifax
"Dear Penny, My Mom and I had lots of fun spending the afternoon with you. It was very rewarding. It's great there are people like you out there who care about their patients. Thanks again - you should be very proud of what you do. You're a fantastic person and perfect for this line of work." Julie - Timberlea
"Hi Penny, My husband is doing so well - back to 100% I can't stress enough how fantastic that is! He was suffering for months without any end in sight. The gout was terribly painful and totally dibilitating. He adopted the food recommendations but what we think helped most was the change in water and the addition of the water filter you suggested. Whatever it was, since his appointment with you he's been 100% gout free and living a normal life again." Pamela - Halifax
"Dear Penny, I just wanted to let you know that I am now 100% sure that my carpet has been the culprit all along! I truly believe I would still be full of the hives and probably insane by now from the scratching if it was not for you pinpointing the source for me. For this I will be eternally grateful to you! I will never forget what you have done for me." Denise - Halifax
"Hi Penny, Within four short weeks of my follow-up with you, my health has improved by leaps and bounds! I feel like my life has been given back to me to really live now. I have the energy to do things again. I can wake up and not be in pain and I am losing the weight I put on from my medical condition. Thank you for your kindness and willingness to listen and help at any time. Keep up the great work, we need more people like you around! Thanks again." Tammy - Halifax
"Thanks for the consult last week. I have gone off the nightshade group of veggies and I am feeling great. I still can't believe nearly 20 years of pelvic/bladder pain, and I never considered those foods as the culprit." Sarah - Halifax
"Hello! I just wanted to update you since I've been taking the supplements you recommended and eliminated wheat from my diet. I feel like a new person. I can't really explain it except to say I feel great, and better than I have in two years. Before our appointment, I had no energy and when I exercised, it felt like my legs were lead. The more I did, the worse I felt. I don't even know what to make of it or what to say.... but I'm thrilled! Lisa - USA
"Hi, I had to email you just to let you know of the dramatic results I have had thus far, thanks to your recommendations. Since my appointment with you, I eliminated gluten and started with the supplements you suggested. In four short weeks I have lost seven pounds. All of my stomach aches, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea have completely disappeared. In addition to this, my energy levels are up from basically nothing. My headaches have also improved.
One last benefit which I never expected, is my blood pressure that was usually around 140/90 is now 115/75. Quite a significant drop in only four weeks. I'm so pleased and my family doctor said if my blood pressure stays down for another four weeks, he will cut my blood pressure medication in half. I didn't even realize the gluten intolerance could raise blood pressure or cause issues of that sort. To say I am pleased is an understatement. Thank you so much for all your help and going to your clinic was the best thing I ever did for my health! I have already recommended your clinic and this testing to several of my friends and coworkers." Karen - Halifax
"Hi Penny, Knowledge is a powerful thing. Now I have more control over my health both at home and work which is such a relief. My questions behind the reasons for my health issues have finally been answered which is very exciting for me and for which I am very grateful to you." Stephanie - Debert